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Loving Father Mark Ferri on how SM Aletha Fields destroyed his life on Long Island Backstory
Suffolk SM Aletha Fields strikes again! The worst of the worst, Dr. Steven Schiff tells his story
Support Magistrate Aletha Fields, biased or incompetent? You decide on Long Island Backstory
Anthony Muller, victim of Suffolk SM Aletha Fields
Be encouraged!
Vincent Grande III, Esq. Discusses Corruption In the Long Island Courts on Long Island Backstory
Mark ferri
Protest Against the Despicable Support Magistrate Aletha Fields 9/2019 At Tanner Park on Long Island
Long Island Backstory Episode 2 Dr.Carlos Rivera
Red Light Camera SCAM with the "Red Light Robinhood" Stephen Ruth & Hector Gavilla on LI Backstory
Mark ferri
Gary Treistman, victim of New York's Family Court System and CPS in Ulster County